3 Aces
The 3 Aces project consists of several high to very high grade gold veins. The vines are generally large (several meters thick) structurally controlled, quartz veins with visible and very fine, disseminated gold.
The quartz veins are hosted in the Neoproterozoic Yusezyu Formation of the Hyland Group which consists of fine grained mudstone and siltstone interbedded with coarse grained sandstones and conglomerates. The quartz veins occur at or near the contact between the coarse grain conglomerates and the finer grained mudstones where the rheological difference allowed for spaces to open up and subsequently quartz veins with gold to precipitate with these lower pressure regimes.
The gold occurs as small grains and very fine disseminations and is often associated with fine, ‘sooty’ arsenopyrite. Gold grades can range from several grams per tonne to several hundred grams per tonne within the quartz veins. Alteration associated with the gold-bearing quartz veins is extensive argillic alteration with abundant iron carbonate and limonitic alteration.
The 3 Aces Project is located approximately 370km east of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada and is accessible via the Nahanni Range Road.