North ROK
The North ROK deposit is a alkalic copper-gold porphyry deposit, located within the prolific Golden Triangle region of British Columbia. Its located approximately 15 km northwest of Imperial Metals Red Chris Mine.
The North ROK property covers an early Jurassic monzonite intrusion that occurs at or near the contact between the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group volcanic rocks and the Cretaceous Hazelton Group volcanic rocks. Mineralization consists of finely disseminated chalcopyrite in a strongly chlorite, K-feldspar, magnetite alteration zone surrounded by disseminated pyrite in a quartz sericite alteration halo.
In 2014, Colorado Resources announces the first recourse estimate for the North ROK property and estimated and inferred resource of 142.3 million tonnes averaging 0.22 % Cu and 0.26 g/t Au containing 690.30 million pounds of copper and 1.19 million ounces of gold.
The North ROK Project is located 70 km south of Dease Lake, British Columbia and is accessible via highway 37 from Dease Lake or Smithers.